I moved from Texas to Oklahoma in July of 1997. I guess that makes me a Bubba. That's why this is the Bubba's Bog Blog. There are days that I really feel like a 'bogged out Bubba'. Another part of the 'bog motif' is that I once lived in Kermit, Texas (in my 'oilfield' daze). Which is why my CB handle was 'The Frog'. It may have had something to do with 'Sesame Street'. My wife's handle was 'Silly Goose'. I guess that that's a fairly large bird.

Saturday, June 11, 2005
Things just seem to happen...
... when the Big Green Guy (Frog, Damn it - not the giant Pea Picker made famous in the vegetble commercials) goes for his weekly coffee and pastry.
This week's 'motivating moment' came when the Frog hit the 'Religion' section (something that is inserted on Saturdays) of the local newspaper. The actual article was an invitation to round #8,967,348,267 of the perpetual Darwin (represented by the Church of Secular Humanism) versus Intelligent Design (represented by the Church of Multidenominational Stripe).
I get really tired of this. I am dis-heartened by the scene of the Intensley Religious rising to the bait that the Secular Humanists cast upon the world to make the faithful question their faith. I am tired of seeing the innocent and often guileless get really stomped.
People of Faith, stop doing ugly things in your own messkit!
1) The Secular Humanists don't care. If they can make you doubt your own faith by"one whittle" or "one jot", they win hands down! If you enter the debate, they win hands down!
2) Stop subscribing to...
a) looking stupid...
b) embarassing those of us who get embarrassed when people of faith get the living crap kicked out of them...
c) the concept that arguing belief structure with those who have none will accomplish anything other than #1 and #2 above...
If I enter the Creationist Fray, I am assuming that I know and perfectly understand the Mind and Power of GOD. This puts a fence (my understanding) around GOD. This limits HIS power in my life. If I (a mortal) can limit the power of GOD, then, ergo, GOD does not exist.
The only salvation that I can immediately effect in a positive way is my own. The way that I can evangelize you is by letting you see the power of GOD at work in my life. When you see that, you will want a "piece of the action". You're wanting a "piece of the action" will allow the HOLY SPIRIT to enter your life. And, the only true and permanent evangelization is done by the HOLY SPIRIT.
If I come 'round and slap you up-the-side-of-the-head with my red letter, leather bound KJV translation of Holy Writ, probably you are about to become as loveable and approachable as a Porcupine with his quills up.
Which is why, when the Frog goes on a mission excursion (daily, to work) he takes food for the hungry and not KJV for the slapping.
Having said all that, the Frog realizes that he has lost his other reader.
Peace and all good,
Kermit the green
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
One of the wonderful aspects...
of life in the 'BLOGOSPHERE' is the exposure to ideas. Raw ideas can be a dangerous thing. Hey, look at the problems Thomas Paine created with the Federalist Papers. How revolting! :) :) ;)
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And voting (vox populi...), now there's a real problem. And the French Government sprang to the conclusion that the pointy heads knew what the folks on the farms wanted! Please say loudly one more time what happened when the people voted (up or down) on the EU constitution.
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What happens in the 'Blogosphere' is that we become immersed in the 'commonality of mankind'. One's 'band of brothers' increases in size when ones hears from the 'brothers' without editing from the big media outlets - without other people deciding what is important for me to read.
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So let's look at other unreported sentiments. How about this from Latvia...
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If Lithuania was the Delaware of the European Union, Latvia was ready to lick Brussels boots no matter what the consequences or circumstances, as it was expected.
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After a resounding Non in France and even a more resounding Nee in the Netherlands, Latvian MPs gave a wholehearted Jā to Brussels just a day after the referendum in Holland.
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Simply outstanding. One wonders if they would sign up to the toilet paper if it came from Brussels.
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The French and Dutch rejection of the Constitution Treaty sparked some debate over the future of Europe and the place of its citizens in EU. As Nosemonkey writes,
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"Of course, the irony of the current situation is that in seeing the constitution rejected, the EU is experiencing its first proper period of internal debate in which the people are actively involved – via letters pages, chats in the pub etc. – in its history. It could well be that this "crisis" (it is actually nothing of the sort, except for the elites who tried to impose this constitution on us) could be the best thing for the EU, simply for its ability to get the people talking about it for a change."
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"People talking" - there is a concept that really needs repression!
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From the LONDON TIMES...
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The question of whether or how to keep the constitution alive will now go to the EU summit next week, but senior British officials were predicting that the heads of government would fudge the outcome. "There will be the leaders of ten countries who have approved the constitution sitting down with the leaders of two whose countries have rejected it and others who want it to be abandoned. That does not point to a straightforward outcome," one said.
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Ministers believe that France and Germany are making an issue of Britain’s rebate partly to distract attention from the crisis over the constitution.
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Mr Straw told the Commons that talks on accession of new members — Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey — would continue. Public opinion in France and Germany has swung heavily against admitting a huge, predominantly Muslim country whose cheap labour could undercut their own. Paris and Berlin also see enlargement as a British plot to dilute their influence in Brussels.
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Opposition to the constitution is highest and has increased most among Conservative voters, at 71 per cent, up 30 points since April 23. Opposition is lowest among Labour voters, at 40 per cent, compared with 25 per cent of them saying that they will vote.
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The question of whether or how to keep the constitution alive will now go to the EU summit next week, but senior British officials were predicting that the heads of government would fudge the outcome. "There will be the leaders of ten countries who have approved the constitution sitting down with the leaders of two whose countries have rejected it and others who want it to be abandoned. That does not point to a straightforward outcome," one said.
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Ministers believe that France and Germany are making an issue of Britain’s rebate partly to distract attention from the crisis over the constitution.
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Mr Straw told the Commons that talks on accession of new members — Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey — would continue. Public opinion in France and Germany has swung heavily against admitting a huge, predominantly Muslim country whose cheap labour could undercut their own. Paris and Berlin also see enlargement as a British plot to dilute their influence in Brussels.
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Opposition to the constitution is highest and has increased most among Conservative voters, at 71 per cent, up 30 points since April 23. Opposition is lowest among Labour voters, at 40 per cent, compared with 25 per cent of them saying that they will vote.
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The Giggle that you hear in the BLOGOSPERE carries over into the Green Frog's BOGOSPERE.
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Chortling in the swamp,
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Sunday, June 05, 2005
Just in the event...
... that you missed the National News on the tube, you really didnt miss anything.
To findout what goes on, VISIT A MILBLOG. I recomend
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the lead story is...
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
The Non-Issue of Armor, Garry Trudeau
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Some of you may have seen Garry Trudeau’s comic strip a couple of weeks ago. Its focus was on our supposed lack of armored vehicles. I’m a little late in commenting on this, but unlike Mr. Trudeau, I’m actually over here in Iraq working. That’s what always amazes me about people like Trudeau. They’re so vigorous in their attempt to criticize everything about this war, yet they have no idea what they’re talking about because they’re not actually here...
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This trooper can write, and tell it like it is. It may seem out of date, but it's not. The comic strip referred to was dated in early May and found in Stars and Stripes. When I was in the Nam, a "new" issue of Stars and Stripes was about 40 days old when it finally got to us!
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Also read (and it includes photos) this Trooper's story of the magic of a piece of candy. You won't see this Washington Compost or on NBC!
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Hanging out in bog,
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Kermit the Green