My EGO license plate...
...(when I can afford) will be...
I moved from Texas to Oklahoma in July of 1997. I guess that makes me a Bubba. That's why this is the Bubba's Bog Blog. There are days that I really feel like a 'bogged out Bubba'. Another part of the 'bog motif' is that I once lived in Kermit, Texas (in my 'oilfield' daze). Which is why my CB handle was 'The Frog'. It may have had something to do with 'Sesame Street'. My wife's handle was 'Silly Goose'. I guess that that's a fairly large bird.
Neither of us us has been blogging for a while. Nevertheless, on your Independence Day I wish you and yours grace and blessings from our blessed Lord.
I am a great admirer of your republic, although I prefer the parliamentary system of government bequeathed to Canadians from the Crown you folks rejected.
Still, this is a time for rejoicing in your celebration of nationhood and for friends to say hello and thank all those American servicemen and women who have served and those who are now in harms way defending our democratic freedoms.
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