Kermit is no longer...
... hiding in the bog.
Careful analysis of the situation indicates that the Frog was suffering from the backlash of Memorial Day. It's the day of the year that the amount of baggage I still carry has to be confronted head on. Sometimes I get pretty beat up.
Start at the bottom line. The people that read this blog already know that there is a war going on. It often seems to me that there is a lot of the Country that either... 1) doesn't know about the war... - or - 2) refuses to recognize that fact...
The next line is the one that hurts. Servicemen and women are in harms and are getting hurt. These guys and gals are heroes. You have to volunteer to be in harms way these days and that takes guts and dedication.
It also gives Kermit the desire to get on with it, because this gives me assurance that the things I consider important in life will go on for at least another generation.
Which brings me to the important bit...
You always have to be crazy to be a Marine. To be a marine in wartime is over the top. Kermit tips his hat to 4th Btn, O Co, Plt 4014 who graduated at Paris Island about 3 weeks ago. Congrats to the whole Batttalion - special congrats to New PRIVATE MEGHAN R. and all the other New Marines in the Battalion. An old soldier says Semper Fi!
Marines are always welcome in the bog. Relatives should call ahead.
Peace and all good,