Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Things just seem to happen...

... when the Big Green Guy (Frog, Damn it - not the giant Pea Picker made famous in the vegetble commercials) goes for his weekly coffee and pastry.

This week's 'motivating moment' came when the Frog hit the 'Religion' section (something that is inserted on Saturdays) of the local newspaper. The actual article was an invitation to round #8,967,348,267 of the perpetual Darwin (represented by the Church of Secular Humanism) versus Intelligent Design (represented by the Church of Multidenominational Stripe).

I get really tired of this. I am dis-heartened by the scene of the Intensley Religious rising to the bait that the Secular Humanists cast upon the world to make the faithful question their faith. I am tired of seeing the innocent and often guileless get really stomped.

People of Faith, stop doing ugly things in your own messkit!

1) The Secular Humanists don't care. If they can make you doubt your own faith by"one whittle" or "one jot", they win hands down! If you enter the debate, they win hands down!

2) Stop subscribing to...
a) looking stupid...
b) embarassing those of us who get embarrassed when people of faith get the living crap kicked out of them...
c) the concept that arguing belief structure with those who have none will accomplish anything other than #1 and #2 above...

If I enter the Creationist Fray, I am assuming that I know and perfectly understand the Mind and Power of GOD. This puts a fence (my understanding) around GOD. This limits HIS power in my life. If I (a mortal) can limit the power of GOD, then, ergo, GOD does not exist.

The only salvation that I can immediately effect in a positive way is my own. The way that I can evangelize you is by letting you see the power of GOD at work in my life. When you see that, you will want a "piece of the action". You're wanting a "piece of the action" will allow the HOLY SPIRIT to enter your life. And, the only true and permanent evangelization is done by the HOLY SPIRIT.

If I come 'round and slap you up-the-side-of-the-head with my red letter, leather bound KJV translation of Holy Writ, probably you are about to become as loveable and approachable as a Porcupine with his quills up.

Which is why, when the Frog goes on a mission excursion (daily, to work) he takes food for the hungry and not KJV for the slapping.

Having said all that, the Frog realizes that he has lost his other reader.

Peace and all good,

Kermit the green


At Sat Jun 11, 01:14:00 PM, Blogger John the Mad said...

I'm not sure who that other reader was but I'm still with you Kermit. I agree fully. The Holy Spirit blows where it wills and is the great Evangelizer.

Additionally, I am oh so slowly coming to the realization that my rants are but straw (to quote Saint Thomas Aquinas describing all his great theological treatises on his deathbed.) I am dust, but dust animated by the Spirit of God. Not a bad thing to be really.

At Sat Jun 11, 04:36:00 PM, Blogger Kermit said...

I am a sucker for false humility, or perhaps sarcastic humor. Either way, pray for me a sinner.


At Sat Jun 11, 06:16:00 PM, Blogger bob said...

Kermit, well spoken.

At Sat Jun 11, 06:58:00 PM, Blogger Tracy said...

"If I come 'round and slap you up-the-side-of-the-head with my red letter, leather bound KJV translation of Holy Writ, probably you are about to become as loveable and approachable as a Porcupine with his quills up."

That is especially good writing there, my friend.

At Mon Jun 13, 06:49:00 AM, Blogger Brady said...

I once had a religious leader pound on the bible three times while yelling, " WE DON'T BIBLE BASH...WE DON'T BIBLE BASH...But, when we do...we win." = )


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