Israeli made bullets...
...bought by the U.S. Army to plug a shortfall should be used for training only, not to fight Muslim guerrillas in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. lawmakers told Army generals on Thursday.
Since the Army has other stockpiled ammunition, "by no means, under any circumstances should a round (from Israel) be utilized," said Rep. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, the top Democrat on a House of Representatives Armed Services subcommittee with jurisdiction over land forces.
The Army contracted with Israel Military Industries Ltd. in December for $70 million in small-caliber ammunition.
The Israeli firm was one of only two worldwide that could meet U.S. technical specifications and delivery needs, said Brig. Gen. Paul Izzo, the Army's program executive officer for ammunition. The other was East Alton, Illinois-based Winchester Ammunition, which also received a $70 million contract.
Although the Army should not have to worry about "political correctness..."
Personal experience indicates that bullets mada in in China and bullets made in the USSR had the same effect on the frog. I would guess that Israeli bullets and U.S. bullets would have appreciably similar effects on the Bloody Terrs! The more of this crap that hear, the closer I get to wishing the the N.V.A. and V.C. had been a little more accurate in there pursuit of the Frog's demise. They, however, did to a large part, discover that the most accurate rounds were made in the U.S. of A.
It wasn't pretty but, Kermit the Green did come home.
Yours for a tight pattern in the 10 ring,
You know, every time I peruse your blog, I think about that poem of mine. You should post it on your site below the profile and leave it there. It would suit your place very well.
Kermit - I think we ought to send that ammo over to Iraq and ANNOUNCE to the terrorists that we bought them from Israel ;-)
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