Day By Day© by Chris Muir.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Things that made...

…me tired #3.

Bill Frist, where did you come up with that dopey rationalization that, “yes, embryos are people”, but, using them for research, “in the name of science” is okay? If I lived in Tennessee, I would reconsider my Republican vote in the Primaries!

Does anybody out there remember the fate of the news/opinion folk who pointed out (about the time of Roe vs Wade) that we would sooner or later have to dispose of viable fertilized human eggs?

MURDER is MURDER! Not a nice thought, but let’s call a spade a spade here. This turkey will come home to roost. When will we start killing people (in the name of science!!! Bill??) because it’s inconvenient to keep them alive? And don’t start the euthanasia crap with me. I know euthanasia. I had to decide to unplug my own Mother when she went flatline.

An embryo is not flatline. It is everthing that a wiggly line could become. It is human life, but it is nascent human life. It is not a human being that has gone flatline after years of downhill battle with Alzheimers. It is human life not allowed to begin! Which makes it MURDER.

Oh yeah, and the entire line about potential capabilities for healing is also a line of runny puppy poop. It’s just a theory without a shred of documentation. If there were a real possibility that it would work, the existing pharmaceutical companies would be all over it like flies on the previously mentioned puppy stuff.

I am so happy that Al Vin is guarding the gate to the Bog from incursion by Moonbats and Jihadists! I’ll rest easy tonight.

Have a nice day,

Kermit the Cuddly Green Guy


At Tue Aug 23, 06:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tue Aug 23, 06:23:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tue Aug 23, 06:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Tue Aug 23, 08:50:00 PM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Here are some things I have learned.

Adult stem cell research has proved to be quite a bit more successful than embryonic stem cell research.

I recently heard of a macabre practice of using aborted fetus skin to grow for burn victims. They have been doing this for years with the foreskins from circumcision.

This may or may not be relevant to what you have posted...

At Tue Aug 23, 08:52:00 PM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Hey Kermit - that is a cool feature in identifying the crazy word before publishing the response. Is this because of spam comments? If so - how does one get this activated on one's blog?

I know I could look it up - but Grizzly is grizzled and I just KNOW it would take an hour for me to find it. I have to fold clothes and go to bed. Appreciate the help...

At Wed Aug 24, 08:06:00 AM, Blogger Ca... said...

Kermit, sign my name with yours at the end of this post. Are you sure I didn't write it? I should have! Great post! Jim

At Wed Aug 24, 12:53:00 PM, Blogger Kilgore Trout said...

My understanding is that when the doctor does invetro fertilivation the usually fertalized several eggs so that they have several chances at it. so if the pregnancy happens on the first try there are leftover embryos this is where many of these embryos come from. if they are not used for science then they are simply destroyed. it may be murder but that is how it is done. so your still creating a life that otherwise would not have happend. although you could argue that god didnt want you to have a baby but i dont hear that case to often. exactly what all can be done with stem cell reseach is not know which is why there doing the reseach. oh and on the subject of murder is murder can I assume that your against the war? if you believe murder is wrong than i suppose you must be against war in any form. And yes euthanasia is an altogether different matter, that is when someone decides that they would rather pass away with dignity than be in pain or hooked up to machines. I have no problem with euthanasia but it is something that will have to be very closely monitored.

At Thu Aug 25, 12:33:00 PM, Blogger John the Mad said...

Arthur Dent:
There is a real moral difference between intentionally taking innocent human life through abortion and engaging in a just war. It's a complex difference but some research and reading won't hurt you.

With respect to euthanasia, in Holland, one of the few places on earth where where euthanasia is lawful, there are increasing instances of doctors offing the sick and disregarding the "safeguards" put in place to ensure informed consent. Legal safeguards are not really all that effective when dealing with the cult of death.

As for your comment that, "exactly what all can be done with stem cell reseach is not know which is why there doing the reseach." can you please redo that sentence in English? American English will do. No need to include the letter "u" in "colour" and "honour," etc.

I'm Canadian and generally don't like to be rude, but make an effort there boy. This is serious stuff you are playing with.

If it's a drinking problem you're wrestling with call AA. They can help I'm told.

At Thu Aug 25, 07:34:00 PM, Blogger echotig said...

Monicar, just go to your settings on your blogger dashboard, then to comments. the option is there. It has a yes or no dot, with a ? to side. This is great to keep from getting junk/splogs.

At Thu Aug 25, 07:48:00 PM, Blogger echotig said...

Arthur, maybe someday, by the time you are old, your grandkids will decide they want their inheritance early. Then they will have no problem w/euthanasia either. Its a slippery slope. I don't mean to be rude , but you know a society is going to hell in a handbasket when the old and young are murdered off in the name of "dignity."

Also, its kind of ironic that we are doing stem cell research, supposedly to promote health and longevity, while simultaneously pushing for euthanasia, to promote offing our elders when they becomne inconvenient.

At Thu Aug 25, 07:53:00 PM, Blogger echotig said...

ACK! a spelling error. Sorry Bubba.

At Thu Aug 25, 08:53:00 PM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

Thanks you guys for the info on the word verification.

I agree that euthanasia is a slippery slope. The debate should end with 'don't even go there...'

At Fri Aug 26, 09:59:00 AM, Blogger sandy said...

As Monicar said: "Don't even got there." I am natuarlly distrustful of putting my fate in the hands of someone that might benefit monetarily.
Most decisions to pull the plug are not made by the person who's going to die. They are made by someone else who may or may not have your best interest at heart.

At Fri Aug 26, 10:02:00 AM, Blogger sandy said...

On a lighter note, Monicar said foreskins have been used for years. That may explain why some people are such(add word).

At Fri Aug 26, 12:44:00 PM, Blogger Ca... said...

Besides, the umbilical cord is the best source of the purest stem cells.
That's what I heard someone say one time and I never heard of an umbilical cord being considered a human or even something anyone wanted to keep.

At Fri Aug 26, 09:29:00 PM, Blogger Grizzly Mama said...

It's true, CA. About the umbilical cord. There are organizations who gather the cord blood. Stem cells.

I checked into doing that but it was quite complicated, it would have cost us money and they weren't using the cord blood for stem cell research. It was for something else...I think to be stored for future use by me. That's not what I wanted. I wanted to donate it to be used in research and we couldn't afford to pay a dime to have it done. I couldn't find a place that would do that.

Perhaps things have changed in 5 years. If it hasn't - it should.

At Sun Aug 28, 02:24:00 PM, Blogger echotig said...

SO does anyone know what is done with the umbilical cord? They should pay the woman for that, if they're going to use it. I mean she's the one making the darn thing. You can't get one from some guy, right! Even women's bodies are chock full of growth hormone while they are carrying babies. There are so many ways to do good research without destroying an innocent embryo. But none of those ways help in their justification of killing said embryo.


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