...was getting it's ass kicked, the
Nations would think about enforcing a CEASE FIRE until hell (not the one in Michigan) froze over. Why can't we support the only functioning Democracy in the Middle East? The article at
NRO by Andrew C. McCarthy is, truly, worth a read...
The Honest Broker - An attitude to lose by
When it is finally written — probably in Arabic — the history of the war on terror will convey one over-arching lesson: One side fought with conviction; the other developed a conviction against fighting.
On the winning side were those with no confusion about who they were, and exactly who their enemy was. The losers refused to see themselves as a "side" at all. They wanted, instead, to be the Honest Broker. All things to all people. Not there to win but to help. A neutral arbiter, seeing the merit in everyone’s position — even terrorists and their enablers in the act of besieging a paragon of Western values.
In the ongoing round, the terrorists and their enablers are Hezbollah and the trio — not the duo, the trio — of Iran, Syria, and, our new favorite "democracy," Lebanon. You see, whether due to willful blindness or sheer madness, the Bush administration does not discern the gargantuan chasm between ostensibly popular elections and authentically democratic elections. Thus, because the Lebanese occasionally go to the polls, Lebanon is — voila! — a "democracy" … notwithstanding that the voting is both phony (as Michael Rubin has comprehensively recounted, Syria has pervasively rigged what passes for its chattel’s electoral system) and gives Hezbollah the patina of political respectability, since the jihadists hold various elective offices when not doing their day-job of killing infidels. .
I think that Andy McCarthy nails it! I also think that next payday, I will lay in a more fresh ammunition than my useual hunting season supply...
The Frog
PS - elections are coming. We don't want to, ever, hear the words "Our new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi". On election day, please vote RIGHT!
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