I moved from Texas to Oklahoma in July of 1997. I guess that makes me a Bubba. That's why this is the Bubba's Bog Blog. There are days that I really feel like a 'bogged out Bubba'. Another part of the 'bog motif' is that I once lived in Kermit, Texas (in my 'oilfield' daze). Which is why my CB handle was 'The Frog'. It may have had something to do with 'Sesame Street'. My wife's handle was 'Silly Goose'. I guess that that's a fairly large bird.

Whose finger on the button? Check this out!
Please excuse me for being so thoughtless. I'd like to introduce myself and Mi Espousa (a little Mex lingo there) to you and yours. Here we are in the flesh. (a little heavy on 'the flesh') Now you can see who you are talking to!
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