Sound, rational and...

...scarey thought from Dr. Sanity. Please go and read both pieces. This is definitely not for the feint hearted.
The paranoid person always takes himself seriously. It is rarely the case that such a person presents to a psychiatrist seeking help or complaining about their projections; because for the paranoid individual, his paranoid thinking and his projections explain so much about his life.... addition to externalizing blame for one's own pitiful situation in life, there is yet another advantage to paranoia and projection: the proper kind of distortion of reality can also reliably pump up self-esteem. True, it pumps it up at the expense of a great deal of fear sometimes; but nevertheless, it is comforting to know that someone appreciates your genius. Clearly if the CIA, FBI, aliens, Jews [fill in your favorite bogeyman here] are out to get you, you must be special and unique...
...under the proper circumstances, paranoia and projection may be resorted to by entire groups and nations in order to externalize blame and/or resolve some unacceptable national state (in order to counter overwhelming shame or humiliation, for example)...
...Here is one of many projections that the Arabs and Muslims of the Middle East regularly resort to as they try to avoid dealing with the irrefutable evidence of their own backwardness: Avian Flu May Have Been Developed by Israel, to Damage Arabs' Genes...
...I wonder if they have calculated that the cartoon jihad riots--which are clearly spreading in true pandemic fashion all over the world just as any virulent and contagious illness would--have laid the foundation for a grand gesture. You know, something that would kill a million or so infidels?...
...notice that the cartoon riots are escalating even as the West bends over backwards to appease and mollify these sociopathic bullies of Islam? I'm sorry to tell you that the increasingly violent Islamic response to appeasement, solicitation, and understanding has always been completely predictable from a psychological perspective. Bullies will always push the envelope of bad behavior when they think they can get away with it...
...It's no use saying that such behavior doesn't make sense and would be irrational and suicidal. Just think of Ahmadinejad as the ultimate, high-tech suicide bomber who has wrapped that nuclear bomb belt securely around his entire country...
I hope I am wrong; but all my psychiatric instincts tell me that we have a situation where we are facing imminent suicidal and homicidal behavior...
Excellent post and thanks for the link to Dr Sanity!
Please check out the last two posts on my, "Tell It Like It Is", blog.
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